
The graphic design that fuses several 2024 design trends is now ready. It’s a vibrant and dynamic piece that incorporates the various elements mentioned in the design trends summary, from maximalism and abstract gradients to eco-design elements and more.

The graphic design that combines various 2024 design trends is now complete. It features a maximalist approach, abstract gradients, eco-inspired motifs, and more, creating a complex and visually engaging design.

The graphic design prominently featuring the phrase ‘2024 Design Trends’ is now ready. It embodies a fusion of the year’s leading design trends, displayed in a colorful and dynamic composition.


Graphic design in 2024 is characterized by a blend of innovation and nostalgia, pushing boundaries with boldness and creativity. Here’s a summary of the trends:

  • Maximalism: Moving away from minimalistic designs, maximalism encourages the use of vibrant color palettes, intricate patterns, and an abundance of elements to create visually dense layouts that demand attention.
  • Abstract Gradients: Designers are using bold and unconventional gradient combinations to add depth, dimension, and movement to their works. Gradients are becoming an integral component of design, infusing energy and emotion into typography, shapes, and compositions.
  • Eco-designs: There is a growing focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness in design. Expect to see designs that incorporate biophilic elements, organic color palettes, and nature-inspired motifs, promoting tranquility and connection to the environment.
  • Inflatable 3D-Design: This playful trend brings the illusion of inflatable objects to digital artwork, creating lively and buoyant visual elements that can be applied to various design aspects like typography and iconography.
  • Illustration & Animation: The combination of illustrations and animations is playing a significant role in making digital interfaces feel more approachable. Animated doodles are being used to humanize brands and make storytelling more engaging and relatable.
  • Eclectic Aesthetic: This trend mixes distressed textures, bold graphic elements, and rebellious color palettes to create harmonious yet unconventional designs that have an edgy vibe.
  • Inclusivity Designs: There’s a strong movement towards designs that are representative of all communities and accessible to all users. This trend is about fostering equal representation and diversity across all mediums.
  • Glass Effect: This trend involves using textures, lights, and shadows to create sophisticated visual effects that resemble distorted glass. It brings an immersive quality to digital experiences and can be seen in animated elements and website backgrounds.
  • AI Generated Characters: The use of AI to generate or reimagine graphic elements is on the rise. This trend is driven by the availability of AI tools that enhance the efficiency and expand the creative possibilities for digital artists.

These trends reflect a dynamic field where simplicity meets innovation and creativity finds its voice in pixels. Each trend offers designers a unique perspective to explore and grow their skills.

For a more detailed exploration of these trends, you can visit the respective articles on GraphicMama and Vecteezy.

Based on these trends, I can create a design that embodies one or more of these elements. Could you specify which trend or combination of trends you would like the design to reflect?

2024 DESIGNTrends

SCORE: 13/25


DAY 14

I asked ChatGPT 4 to create three graphic design samples inspired by David Carson’s work. While I’m slightly disappointed with the results, I believe there’s room for improvement over time.

My favorite dE$igner ~

David Carson & Paula Scher


Creating an image in the style of David Carson, a prominent contemporary graphic designer known for his innovative magazine design and use of experimental typography, requires a careful approach to honor his style while respecting copyright and artistic integrity.

To create a design sample inspired by David Carson, I will focus on three key aspects that are characteristic of his style:

  • Experimental Typography: Carson is famous for his unconventional use of typography. I will include text in varying fonts, sizes, and orientations, some of which may be partially obscured or overlapping.
  • Grungy, Textured Backgrounds: His designs often feature textured backgrounds that give a tactile, often grungy feel. The background will be created to resemble a layered, mixed-media canvas.
  • Abstract Graphics and Images: Carson’s work often includes abstract graphics and collage-like arrangements of images. The design will incorporate abstract elements and possibly photographic components in a non-traditional layout.

The resulting image will be a unique creation inspired by the essence of David Carson’s design philosophy, without directly copying any of his specific works. Let’s proceed with this creative direction.

Score: 10/25


Creating a wide graphic design sample inspired by Paula Scher, known for her distinctive typographic style and bold use of color, requires capturing the essence of her design philosophy. For this creation, I’ll focus on:

  • Bold Typography: Scher’s designs often feature large, impactful typography. I’ll include oversized, bold lettering that plays a central role in the composition.

  • Vibrant Colors: Her work is characterized by a vibrant color palette. The design will feature bright, eye-catching colors.

  • Dynamic Composition: Scher’s layouts are known for their dynamic and sometimes playful arrangement of elements. The design will reflect this through an engaging and energetic layout.

  • Cultural and Urban Elements: Given Scher’s influence from urban landscapes and cultural themes, the design might include elements that reflect a cityscape or cultural motifs.

Remember, the final design will be inspired by Scher’s style, but will not replicate any specific works of hers. Let’s create this wide graphic design sample.

Score: NIL

January 13, 2024


AI's Dragon Frenzy in 30-Minute ~ 17/25

January 12, 2024

Using a dash of AI magic, I’ve whipped up a trio of ‘Happy CNY 2024’ stickers in just 30 minutes, each starring cartoon dragons that are as festive as they are adorable. These little digital beasts come decked out in holiday finery, with ‘Happy CNY 2024’ emblazoned alongside them in celebratory script.

For a toast to the New Year, my AI and I concocted the ‘Cheerzz’ sticker, featuring a dragon with a penchant for partying, all set against a font that’s as bubbly as the mood it’s meant to evoke.

And as the day winds down, there’s the ‘Good Night’ sticker: a serene, starlit scene with a dragon so snug and drowsy, it practically yawns off the screen, accompanied by a ‘Good Night’ that’s as peaceful as a lullaby.

In the hands of AI, these stickers aren’t just quick to come by; they’re a perfect blend of charm and festivity, ready to spread the cheer and the chill of the season.


DAY 11/// BIRTHDAY CAKE///16/25

Feast your eyes on this marvel of confectionary design, an AI-inspired cake that’s less about the bake and more about the bytes. I’m half-tempted to march down to the local bakery, flash this digital delicacy, and challenge them to whip up a real-life replica.

Just imagine the baker’s face, trying to decode this pixel-perfect patisserie from an algorithm’s fever dream into an edible masterpiece. Would they nail the cascade of candy colors, or would it be a case of ‘sorry, our frosting algorithm seems to have crashed’?

This cake isn’t just a treat; it’s a test – one that could either end with a bang of flavor or a byte of bewilderment. So, dear bakery, do you accept the challenge, or is the kitchen closed for updates?

DAy 10

As I reflect on this AI-generated image, I’m struck by its vivid portrayal of a modern workplace environment. The central figure, a project manager, stands confidently amidst the hustle of a data center. His attire, a blend of professional and safety gear, signifies a seamless integration of leadership and on-site diligence.

DAy 10

SCORE: 16/25

This image not only showcases the capabilities of AI in image generation but also serves as a testament to how technology can emulate the nuances of human work environments. It’s a representation that could easily find its place in corporate brochures or occupational safety materials, illustrating the blend of technology and manpower.


DAy 009

Succulent rack of lamb.

SCORE: 21/25

As I step into the fusion of culinary arts and digital innovation, I’ve taken this stunning image of a perfectly seared rack of lamb and transformed it into a captivating video narrative using AI from FutureObjects.io. The lamb, with its golden crust, rests on a dark, contemporary plate, its richness complemented by swirls of vibrant purees. As the creator, I’m particularly proud of how the AI animation highlights the textures and colors of the dish, bringing to life the creamy accompaniment and fresh herb garnish in a way that static imagery simply cannot.

Through this AI-enhanced video, I’ve aimed to capture not just the aesthetics of a gourmet dish but also the essence of a dining experience that excites the senses before a single taste is savored. It’s an art piece that celebrates both the chef’s skill and the endless possibilities of AI in creative expression


Envisioned Cosmos

Introducing “Envisioned Cosmos,” an animated NFT crafted by AI that illuminates the rich tapestry of astrology. Each card in this NFT series is a dynamic display of celestial mechanics, with properties and scores that distinguish the ordinary from the legendary.

Astrology’s legacy, rooted in 2000 BC Babylonia, receives a modest scientific credibility score of 3 (S:3), but its favorability soars to a 9 (F:9), highlighting its undiminished appeal. The NFT’s animation brings to life the art of companionship scoring (C:8), with zodiacs entwining in a cosmic dance to predict love’s fateful encounters.

The livelihood score (L:8) animates one’s professional destiny, while well-being (W:8) is visualized through a harmonious dance of planets, offering insights into health and harmony. Resources (R:8) are depicted with the waxing and waning of celestial bodies, signifying the rise and fall of fortunes.

Purpose (P:8) is portrayed with a guiding star, leading the way in a quest for meaning within the vast animated universe.

Total Score: 52


The Astrology Animated NFT

SCORE: 18/25

Each DEAI’s NFT is a unique blend of AI innovation of fortune-telling techniques, offering owners a legendary card that’s much more than a static image—it’s an evolving story told through the stars. This series pushes the boundaries of digital collectibles, offering a new way to appreciate the age-old wisdom of the stars.

AT 50

Week 2: 08-14 JANUARY 2024
