AT 50

Hello U ...

Experience is Overrated Anyway

I’m cheerfully chucking my past into the shredder! WHY? Because being stuck in the bygone days is passé, and I’ve got AI as my new partner in crime. All those years of experience? They’re just confetti for the future now.


Human wisdom had its time, and wasn't it sweet? But I've switched lanes, joining forces with AI to shake things up.

For the nostalgia buffs, you keep polishing your antiques. I’ll be here, trailblazing with my digital mate. So, a toast to binning the old and booting up with AI. It’s not a mere update; it’s a revolution. Step into the future – it’s a blast, and don’t dawdle, or you might just miss the boat.

Best viewed on a 1920x1080 wide-screen
Note: For optimal mobile and tablet viewing, scan the QR code ~ TBA

Art by Algorithm: My 365-Day Journey from Half-Baked to Full-Circuit Designer

Embark on a journey with me, where creativity meets circuitry, and pixels mingle with algorithms. Welcome to “Art by Algorithm,” my audacious experiment to blend art and AI over 365 days. That’s right, a whole year of daily artwork, each piece a testament to the marriage of human ingenuity and machine intelligence.

Starting at a modest 50% AI utilization – because let’s not hand over the reins entirely to our soon-to-be robot overlords just yet – I’ll be incorporating AI in everything from copywriting to 3D animations. It’s like having a digital Picasso in your pocket, only this one doesn’t eat, sleep, or sulk.

As the days progress, watch as I gradually increase AI’s role in my creations. It’s a slow takeover, but one where creativity reigns supreme. Each artwork will come with my personal rating, a star-studded affair from one to five, judging everything from composition to color, originality, technique, and, of course, the AI’s performance. Think of it as ‘Britain’s Got Talent’, but for an audience of one and a jury of machines.

So, join me on this 365-day saga, from half-manual doodles to full-on AI masterpieces. Will the machine outshine the master? Or will it be a harmonious duet of human and AI, serenading the art world with digital symphonies? Stay tuned, subscribe, and witness this blend of art and technology unfold – one algorithmic brushstroke at a time.

Star Rating System for Each Artwork

Artwork Evaluation Matrix: Each artwork will be assessed across the five key categories, with each category contributing up to 5 stars. This results in a comprehensive scoring range from 0 to 25 stars, providing a detailed insight into the artwork’s overall quality and innovation.


Evaluates the structural arrangement, balance of elements, and effectiveness in conveying emotion or a message.


Assesses the use of color for harmony, contrast, and emotional impact on the viewer.


Judges the uniqueness, innovation, and standout qualities in concept and execution.


Focuses on technical skills, proficiency, and the use of tools and mediums to engage the viewer.


Measures how effectively AI is integrated into the creative process to enhance or transform artistic expression.


DAY: 001


This charming sticker is designed to convey festive greetings for the New Year 2024 on WhatsApp. The sticker features a delightful ox cartoon character, symbolizing strength, reliability, and the zodiac sign of the creator. The ox’s cheerful demeanor, complete with a party hat, and the bold “Happy New Year 2024!” banner encapsulates the joy and optimism of new beginnings. Crafted using Chat GPT-4, the design underwent minor editing to render the background transparent, enhancing its visual appeal when used as a WhatsApp sticker. Final touches were applied using the Android app – Sticker Maker, ensuring seamless integration for sharing within the app.

Composition: The sticker has a clear and central focal point, which is the cheerful cow character. The elements are well-balanced, with the “Happy New Year 2024!” banner positioned to anchor the design and draw attention to the message. The party hat on the cow adds a festive touch that is appropriate for the New Year theme. Rating: 3/5

Color: The colors are bright, engaging, and well-suited for a celebratory theme. The use of red, blue, and white is reminiscent of classic celebration colors, which helps convey the New Year’s message effectively. The colors are also contrasting, which makes the design stand out. Rating: 3/5

Originality: The idea of using an animal to represent the New Year is a traditional approach, often aligned with the Chinese Zodiac. However, the cow with a party hat gives it a playful and friendly twist that can be appreciated. Rating: 3/5

Technique: The illustration is clean, with smooth lines and solid color fills. The shading and highlights on the cow character give it a three-dimensional feel. The text is legible and integrates well with the overall design. Rating: 3/5

AI: This sticker was generated or designed with the assistance of AI, the artwork demonstrates a good understanding of festive themes and iconography. The AI has managed to capture a joyful essence and the elements are well-integrated, suggesting advanced capabilities in design composition. Rating: 3/5

The sticker is vibrant and fun, with a good balance of composition and color. It effectively communicates a New Year’s greeting in a joyful and friendly manner.


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This video presents a visual metaphor for the sustainable income of a restaurant through the striking image of a “money tree,” symbolizing return on investment (ROI). The central element is a vibrant tree with foliage shaped into a dollar sign, set against a lush landscape bathed in the golden light of dawn or dusk. The color palette is rich with greens, oranges, and yellows, imparting a sense of growth and prosperity. This serene yet powerful composition has been crafted using the advanced capabilities of Chat GPT-4, resulting in an image that has not been edited post-generation. The still image is then transformed into a video using, which not only enhances the video quality by increasing the frame rate to a smooth 30 fps but also upgrades the resolution to a crisp 2k (2560 x 1440). Additionally, the video is extended in duration with the application of slow-motion effects, allowing viewers to fully engage with the visual narrative of enduring success and stability represented by the “money tree” in the context of a restaurant’s financial growth.

Composition: The arrangement of elements within the image is harmonious and centered, drawing the viewer’s eye directly to the dollar-sign shaped tree which serves as the focal point. The surrounding landscape supports the central theme without competing for attention. The composition effectively conveys the concept of financial growth and sustainability. Rating: 3/5

Color: The color scheme is vibrant and appealing, with a warm palette that suggests prosperity and success. The golden hues of the sunrise or sunset add a sense of optimism and opportunity. The colors are well-balanced and contribute positively to the overall impact of the image. Rating: 5/5

Originality: The concept of a “money tree” is not new, but its execution with the dollar sign as foliage is a creative touch. The use of this symbol to represent the ROI for a restaurant is a clear and innovative way to convey the message. Rating: 3/5

Technique: The technical aspects of the image, such as the clarity, focus, and detail, are of high quality. The image transformation from static to video, including frame rate increase, upscaling to 2k, and the addition of slow-motion, indicates a high level of technical proficiency. Rating: 4/5

AI: The AI’s role in generating the image without any need for post-editing demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the prompt and a high level of detail in the output. The AI’s ability to interpret and execute the concept with such clarity is impressive. Rating: 4/5

Overall, the artwork is strong across all criteria, particularly in color and technique, showing the powerful capabilities of AI in creating visually compelling and meaningful graphics.

DAY: 003


Cheers to Perfection... Almost!
This sticker has mastered the art of the

'near miss'

Hair Detail: It appears that a part of the hair has been inadvertently cropped during the animation process. This disrupts the overall look of the character and should be restored for continuity and visual appeal.

Transparency Issues: There seem to be issues with the middle leg where the transparency is not consistent. This causes the sticker to look odd against different backgrounds on WhatsApp, and it detracts from the professional finish of the sticker.

Animation Smoothness: The ‘cheers’ action is not as smooth as desired. Smooth animation is key to creating an engaging and high-quality sticker, especially when depicting movement.

Is my stealth mode working,
or can you actually spot me?


AI’s Comment: The badge is elegantly designed, with a classic feel that is befitting a wedding celebration. Its attention to detail and personalized elements like the intertwined initials and the specific date make it a unique and sentimental piece. The choice to use a simple two-color scheme ensures that the design will stand out when hot-pressed onto a Polo shirt, making it a memorable token for the wedding day.

DAY: 004

The badge depicted in the image is a custom design intended for hot pressing onto a Polo T-shirt as a special garment for the wedding of a best friend, designated for the “Brother’s shirt.” The central feature of the badge is the monogram “C&P,” which stands for Cheng and Penny, symbolizing the union of the couple. The monogram is encircled by a decorative wreath, topped with a crown, and anchored by a banner that reads “BRUNEI 27.1.2024,” marking the significant date of the wedding. This intricate design was initially created using Chat GPT-4 and underwent several minor edits to perfect its look, including making the background transparent, manually inserting the “C&P” in the center, correcting the date, and other subtle enhancements to ensure the badge’s elegance and clarity for the occasion.



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